Klan DSW

Forum Klanu DSW na Serverze L2Dex

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#1 2009-03-07 17:21:02



Registered: 2009-03-03
Posts: 15

Clan's Rules

Clan is a place where many people play together so we need some rules to make clan a better place ;)

1.Those rules are for everyone without any exception.
  There will be one warning if someone plays against those rules, second will be dismiss from clan. Every member should care about clan.

2.Every clan member should register on forum and visit it systematically.

3.Clan member mustn't use vulgar language to each other. Any racist comments directed to other players are prohibited.

4.High lvls have to help lower lvls with their time, suggestions or with other things.

5. DSW is a pvp clan with long tradition. Honour is most important thing for us.
       -we don't declare war without reason
       -Using bsoe without any good excuse is prohibited
       -Using bsoe when you are in party and have pvp is prohibited
       -PK without any reason is prohibited
       -PK clan or ally mates is prohibited
       -this isn't a place for carebears
       -if clan is in war state our main objective is to win it(gang pts)

6. If cl/vcl/raid manager is organising RB party u can't refuse.

7. 'Bout items.
      -trading between clan members is prohibited
      -clan members are giving their unnecessary items to cwh and write to cl/vcl what they've put(top b grade+)
      -all mats are goin' to cwh, key mats s,a grade to cwh except:
          a grade jewels kms; nm robe; nm light; tallum light; tallum robe;kms for a grade weps;
          no spellbooks in cwh; only s grade arrows; full drops also go to cwh (except no grade,d grade,c grade and low b grade)
      -clan is makin items for members, member should tell cl/vcl what he wants (set,wep,jewels), clan won't give items to members that don't help to clan and only exp,
      -if you want items you should try get recs and mats. (make manor system,spoil)
      -if member want he can make items on his own, he can also ask for a help from clan (kms,mats but he need to have 50% of most important mats like vop,m alloy, etc)

8. Clan leader must be honest to clan members. His main objective is to makin clan better and better. If clan leader is offline, vcls are taking his duties.

9. Due to previous rule i want every clan members trust me.

10. You should have only 1 main character.



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